Department Of Artificial Intelligence And Data Science was established in the year 2022 with approval from AICTE and affiliation from Anna University Chennai to formulate proficient professionals to become part of the engineering and research association at the worldwide levels. The department has experienced faculty members with different specialization in Artificial Intelligence And Data Science. The department provides placement opportunities in well-established organizations and MNCs.
Students are trained both quantitatively and qualitatively during the lab session that enhance their understanding and helps further to motivate them to taking projects and proves as a helping hand to do their projects efficiently. Practical awareness is inculcated to the students by arranging many national conferences, Seminars, FDP and workshop in association with CSI and ICTACT. Value added programs are conducted to improve student's soft skills.

To develop high-quality software engineers, academicians, researchers and entrepreneurs in the fields of artificial intelligence and data science in order to build a value-based, sustainable society.

M1: To create an academic success using an effective teaching-learning process.
M2: To develop students, acquire critical thinking abilities and solid moral values.